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Time sheets

Insert hours

Select the hour type This can be normal, overtime or travel hours.

Select the job/task where the hours must land. Making job available for TTC (BC) Job settings

Fill in a description, this can be mandatory job Description might be shared with customers.

Book time by selecting a start and end time or by entering the total time directly. Booking time directly is booked from 8:00 (8am).

A lunch is subtracted from the total hours.

If travel is allowed fill either the customer location, travel and distance. see job types.

Work variants can be additional charges (items) on jobs or payable for employees (payroll entry).

Edit hours

Select the line in the main part of the screen, now the information will be displayed in the editor (see insert).

Time sheet (current week)

Time sheet current week displays the selected week, default this is the current week. The days are indicated by date, underneath the day the booked hours are displayed.

Each line is a time sheet booking.

Each day a payroll type of day which can be exported for pay to the employee like a lunch or overnight stay.

See time sheet

Quick editor

The quick

See quick editor


See quick editor

Fact bar

Open the fact bar (right side of the screen), use the arrows to navigate between the weeks. Or click on the week for a date picker. You might need to press the hamburger button underneath the profile icon.

Travel hours and distance

Short list

  • Keeping a short list for fast inserts
  • Maintaining short list

overview of hours

  • Approving time sheets
  • Reject time sheet
  • Reject time sheet lines